Saturday 26 February 2011

EGGMILF Seminar training MONDAY 28/2/11

Several EGGMILF members are to hold a seminar training session (in readiness for Thursdays NaN game) this Monday evening. It will comprise of several sessions designed to enhance your gameplay styles including: Acidsnakes Advanced AT Mine Laying, andytheadequates Sneaky Underhand Attack Routes for beginners, Daddy Doom Bar's Guide To Aiming Vehicles At AT Mines. All those wishing to attend should make their excuses to their wives/girlfriends and have their name badges and packed lunches ready. Actual briefcases are optional.


  1. Hopefully I can make that after uni. Acid'll probably have it covered, but I'll chime in if there's any mine-laying spots he doesn't mention.

    I'd also like to expound the merits of shooting the tar out of foliage with the HMGs on certain maps, making attackers that more exposed. Nelson Bay and Valparaiso are good ones for that.

    Similarly, if we can get a go at pinging multiple RPG shots at Tracered tanks that would be good.


    PS. I look forward to the driving tutorial!


  2. Oh, just suggested this on the Readers Night thread...

    Remember, 8 is the magic number...


  3. why is nobody posting here anymore???? EGGMILF till i DIE!!!

  4. that was FillRoyy by the way
